Relating Savings – Short Course

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  • Relating Energy Savings 


This course will help you generate information about the energy savings being made in your building, in a form that is accessible to your colleagues. The savings can be translated from units of energy into the frequency of familiar everyday actions where energy is used. In this way staff recognise the impact of their energy saving habits and actions. 

  • To define, explain and demonstrate the concept of Energy Savings as they Relate to everyday actions, expressed as:
    • Individual savings at Home, Commute, and Work;
    • Seasonal savings for Christmas, St Valentine’s, St Patrick’s, Easter/Spring, Summer/Bank Holidays, and Halloween;
  • To provide a simple calculation template to enable determining said insights based on energy or carbon metrics related to everyday actions;
  • To provide a graphical template/poster to promote each insight: Home, Commute, Work, Seasonal.


  • 30 minutes (0.5 hour) (excluding coursework @ 10 minutes for whole Course).

Course work:

  • Present Outline of the Course, expand on selecting the best insights, relating chosen insights from templates provided and promoting the message & carbon context through given graphical templates.

This course is for you if:

  • You’re interested in understanding how to express and promote energy awareness of savings in your organisation through everyday actions, focused on staff behaviours;
  • You’d like to explore practical interventions that can create an energy efficient culture in your building;
  • You want to investigate the opportunities for promoting energy savings in a context of shifting staff behaviours and habits as expressing it through everyday Home, Work, Commute and Seasonal activities.

Course outline:

  • Outline/Overview.
  • Understanding Insights.
  • Selecting relatable insights.
  • Relating the insights through given Template.
  • Promoting the message through given graphical Template.
  • Promoting the carbon context through given Timeline.

Downloadable resources:

  • Worksheets/Insight Log:
    • 2 No. stages: Selecting and Relating.
  • Graphical/Poster Templates.

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